Friday, 10 July 2020

Corona Virus or Covid-19

1.What is Corona Virus or Covid-19?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a recently discovered coronavirus strain. The virus has been named SARS-CoV-2 and the disease is now called COVID-19. Coronaviruses are a group of virus related to RNA viruses that were discovered over 60 years ago and most of them a non virulent and others can cause diseases. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

In humans, these viruses are known to cause respiratory tract infections, diarrhoea, etc that can range from mild to severe.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild symptoms and will recover without requiring special treatment, few will have moderate symptoms and very few will have severe infections, specially in those with co-morbid conditions and weak immunity. Eventually herd immunity is expected to be built that should protect the majority.

At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. There are some theories that the virus has been concocted and made virulent. I would not be surprised. Allahu hu Alam.

There are very few studies and credible research available at the moment to say anything with certainty. I don’t think there is still a single peer reviewed study so far on Covid 19 yet. It seems Truth is being mixed with falsehood. Only crafted, intended narratives are available in the mainstream.

2. What is the reality of Covid-19 in the light of the “the Good” in current circumstances on the Earth?

Covid-19 has direct relationship with the “Good” and “Bad”. If we go by apparent narrative, it originated in the animals, (those animals which are forbidden in Islam). If it is true, I am sure future researches in all probability will prove that the rate of infection and deaths was more in the alcoholics, drug addicts and promiscuous and homosexuals. A quick analysis of the pandemics in the last 120 years shows a direct relationship with not following Islamic injunctions.

3. What is the reality of the eventuations set to be unfolded in the wake of Covid-19?

The following appears to be the global impact, with some unintended consequences that may help the world and others could be to understand the behaviour/reaction of people/states.

(a) Temporary Reduction in environmental pollution (Fasad fil barr and bahar)
(b) Temporary Decrease in Bars, sex trades and (Fahash and Kabath)
(c) More religiosity in the believers of all religions and bringing families together.
(d) Attack on the livelihood of the poor and middle class and make them dependent and eventually into bondage.
(e) Further consolidation towards digital economy and governance
(f) Further Curbing of civil liberties
(g) Increasing Control over food chain
(h) Emergence of few global corporates controlling all possible aspects of life.

Automation will increase and most labour intensive industries will be dwindle and some other industries will flourish. Healthcare industry will profit from vaccines and management of infections. Unimaginable surveillance has started in society. Privacy and related laws exists only in theory, nations will become more totalitarian, leading to a centralised control and eventually centralised global control. It may be a sign for huge shake up in the power game and may ultimately lead to End Times as mentioned in different religions eschatology’s.

4.How the Sunnatullah is likely to work in the eventuations set to be unfolded in the wake of Covid-19?

They plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners. We are sure some good things will emerge from this pandemic also probably as unintended consequences. Like family getting together, people becoming more religious, more inclined towards traditional ways of life, etc.

Interestingly, there are many verses/Hadiths which point to the end times. Just one example: Pandemic (Corona) may be the “dabbatal ard” mentioned in Quran, which will run through the earth and will speak to people about how people disobeyed the guidelines of God, which resulted in number of pandemics like Swine Flu, AIDS, Rabies, HPV/Cervical; cancer, Hepatitis, etc and severe environmental disasters. The same arabic word can have two different meanings depending on punctuation i.e (Tukalimuhum) which means “speaks to them” and (Taklimuhum) which means to “wound.” This is related in Tafseer Al Qurtobi and was the opinion of Ibn Abbas RA.

5. What probabilities and possible scenarios are there in the eventuations in the wake of Covid-19 in the light of “the Evil” on the Earth?

Most of the scholars believe in the coming of Mahdi (AS) and Isa (AS). The Evil appears to be irresistible but InshahAllah will ultimately be decimated but only after Apocalyptic destruction. As foretold in Quran and Hadith. Qayamat will ultimately lead to the origin of a new universe with different physical laws and structure.

6. What kind of subjective and objective changes could occur in the human society in the wake of Covid-19?

Already explained above.

7. Would Fiqh-al-Akbar and Fiqh-al-Asghar i.e. Imaniat, Halal and Haram and Faraidh and Sunan in accordance to Fiqh cease to be in the Order set to be established in the society in the wake of Covid-19?

We can see the impact like never before.
Salat ul Juma has been abandoned all of over the world, illa MashahAllah!
Majority of the traditional scholarship appears to be confused to say the least. Perhaps another prophecy seems to closer to becoming reality as Prophet SAW said related in Shaheeh Bukhari that Hajj will be abandoned as one of the sign of the end of times.

8. What change in shape and reality “Amal-al-Saleh” would undergo in that situation?

Ideally, people should become more muttaqi definition of Taqwa (Quran Surah Baqara 2:177) and more inclined to helping the needy. They should be more inclined towards prayers and social movements aimed at spreading “amr bil maruf” and “Nahi anil munkar”. Even non-Muslims may be forced to think about the huge value of Islamic system in control of diseases and crimes and establishment of Peace and Justice on earth. Hopefully, it will bring people closer to their Creator. InshahAllah!

9. How “life of a Momin” should have to be on the Earth in accordance to the “Redha of Allah” then?

“La Hawala Wala Quwatta Illa Billah”
For a momin he/she should cling to his faith and Book of Allah! i.e Quran. Death will come at it’s appointed time and none can avert it. Even, if one dies of this pandemic illness, one dies a death of a Shaheed, InshahAllah!
A true Momin is one who thinks that Islam is not just for himself or for Muslims. Islam is for the whole world. Even those who do not subscribe to Islam as religion need to know how Islamic injunctions on Justice, Health and Law and can make the world peaceful and healthier place and sustainable.

Our actions should be according to will of Allah seeking the pleasure of Allah with Do’s and Don’ts being the guidelines of leading an honourable life.
I think no one in the history of mankind has warned more accurately and in greater detail as the prophet (SAW) has warned mankind about Akhir is Zaman and prepared his followers.

My personal advice to people is to try and ensure Not to have a means of livelihood that are vulnerable, rather have a means which will help you sustain yourself and your families (agricultural land, animals, gold and silver, etc).
We need to learn from Khidr (AS) as he scuttled the boat – Indicating that we need to let go of our ostentatious and luxurious lifestyles and try to lead a simple lifestyle, this can easily be done if one lives in the country side rather than cities. If ones lifestyle is simple, they will think it not worth coming. Like the King who didn’t usurp the boat of the poor due to the defect made by Khidr AS.
Allah knows best!

By Dr Ataat Khan

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